Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Steampunk Jewelry

I've been making these this week with Chris. We've been thinking about making Xmas pressie's for people and thought we'd have a go at selling them too.

Since taking this photo I've added another cog between the pendant and the leather. I realised when I added the connectors that I wouldn't be able to remove the pendant so I added a larger jump ring. I'm going to the floor talk today at the Suter gallery for the level 7 students. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say about their work. So i'll wear this pendant today and see what feedback I get.

Chris made this cute one with the lizard. I had a go at adding more things but was quickly put back in my place :) She knows what she wants and she likes things more minimal. I have quite happily embraced the maximalism trend.

We've got more on the go that are nearly finished and I've got so many ideas I want to try out but that involves buying more supplies so I have to be creative with what we've got to start with. I'll post more as they are finished.

1 comment:

Sleepandhersisters said...

wow they are amazing!!! I love it!!!

I am sure they will sell well. It seems like a lot of people are making things this Christmas. It must be hard for uncreative people.

I have just bought more supplies to make more pendants, I just hope they work out.

Sounds like the talk would have been interesting. We don't do that with our level sevens, a good thing for them to have to do though.